Tag Archives: meeting design

Event Experience: 35 Tipps wie Ihr bessere Messe- und Kongress-Erlebnisse schafft

Meeting Design bzw. Event Experience Design sind aktuell in aller Munde. Und tatsächlich ist es richtig: Mit der Art und Weise, wie lange Zeit Konferenzen, Messen und Events gestaltet wurden, kommt man heute nicht mehr weiter.

Warum ist das so? Und was umfasst Event Experience Design alles? Continue reading Event Experience: 35 Tipps wie Ihr bessere Messe- und Kongress-Erlebnisse schafft

Eventex: My Five Takeaways From Sofia

They say, when you attend an event, and you take away at least five things that you learned – or five people that you met who will potentially play a role in your personal or professional life – then it was a good event for you.

Well, according to that yardstick, Eventex in Sofia was a fabulous event!

Not only have I met lots of great people (speakers, tech providers, attendees, all of them Eventprofs). There are at least five takeaways that will definitely influence the way I go about event management, and they will also have an impact on the way I do consulting and training for event organizers .

What were the most sticky learnings from my personal perspective? Continue reading Eventex: My Five Takeaways From Sofia

Creative marketing for events: Some hot examples

I had the pleasure to be invited as a speaker to Who stole my audience, a conference that took place in London on 24/25 April. Gallus Events staged this conference for meeting planners, aiming to provide a platform where new technologies and creative approaches for conferences, trade shows and events are discussed. Showing ways how to create atmospheres and spaces that support attendees to learn.  Continue reading Creative marketing for events: Some hot examples

Graphic recording at events: Outstanding artists and examples

At CeBIT 2014 in Hannover, graphic artist Anna Lena Schiller was present for the entire show duration and graphically recorded the event. A very impressive collection of visuals and murals has evolved from this, which allows to relive the events, the presentations, the hot topics and the curiosities that occured on those five days in Hannover/Germany.

Continue reading Graphic recording at events: Outstanding artists and examples

Graphic Recording – Eine Methode für mehr Kommunikation und Verständnis auf Veranstaltungen

Ein Gastbeitrag von Marie Jacobi, Illustratorin und Graphic Recorder, über eine spannende Methode, wie Konferenzen, Messen und Events interaktiver und nachhaltiger gestaltet werden können. Vielen Dank, Marie, für den interessanten Input!


Können langweilige Powerpoint-Vorträge und einseitige Workshops bald der Vergangenheit angehören? Ich sage ja; mit Graphic Recording. Und das sage ich jetzt nicht nur, weil ich selbst als Graphic Recorder tätig bin, sondern weil ich von dieser Methode überzeugt bin. Continue reading Graphic Recording – Eine Methode für mehr Kommunikation und Verständnis auf Veranstaltungen

FRESH Conference – an amazing event for everyone in meeting industry

The FRESH conference that recently was held in Copenhagen is a fantastic event for everyone involved in meetings, conference planning and trade shows. Although I haven’t been there personally, it was a hybrid event that one could follow in many ways and interact with the participants on site. The event shows how interactive meetings of the future can look and feel like.

Check out this great video capturing the essence of the event. More about the outcome and findings of the event can be found at their website.

FRESH14 INNOVATIONS (1:50) from Meeting Support Institute on Vimeo.